Tuesday, November 02, 2010

November 2010

What to watch for!!!

The weather certainly has changed fast. Please be sure to bring a jacket or sweatshirt with you to school for outdoor activities. A lot of students are also bringing hats, gloves and scarves!
November is here and so is our Toy Bingo! We always need volunteers, so if you can help, call the school.

Interesting learning is happening in all of our classrooms! Ask you child what they did today! In our front foyer are some interesting "cells" that were created by our students for Science class. 81 students are producing primary picture books! Lip sync routines are being produced by Arts students. Did you know that the crustal thickness for most continents is 45-50 km thick?? For the past few weeks, classes have been working with Remembrance Day Activities to prepare them for our visit from our veterans on Friday, November 5.

Other great learning events:

Grade 8 students will visit the high school of their choice on Wednesday, November 8

All grade 7 students will attend GRPSEO Information Day on Wednesday, November 3

Remembrance Day Service in the gym on Friday, November 5 at 9:30 am

Health Career Fair for all grade 7 & 8 students on Wednesday, November 10

PALS grade 7-every Monday; grade 8-every Friday

November 13 - JCH TOY BINGO

November 17 - Intermediate Volleyball at ILTO

November 19 - PD Day - no school for students

Thursday, October 14, 2010

October 2010

Once again, time is quickly moving along. In a few short weeks students will be bringing home their Progress Reports - Monday, November 8, 2010. If you have concerns with your child's progress, be sure to call the school and speak to the homeroom teacher.

Every day is a learning day and it is important that your child be at school everyday on time and ready to learn! Students should arrive around 8:30 am to prepare for the start of class at 8:40 am.

With the cooler weather, students should remember to bring a sweater, light jacket or sweatshirt for our walks and activity times.
Halloween is just around the corner! Get your costume ready for the dance!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Time Goes By So Quickly!

September is almost gone and October is just around the corner! Nya:weh to parents and family members that came to our Meet the Teacher BBQ. We had a great time and really enjoyed sharing time with all of you. At the BBQ we handed out J. C. Hill Handbooks and Curriculum Flyers to all that attended. If you could not make the BBQ, we have sent the information home with your child. Please be sure to ask for the handbook and flyer. October is a busy month with many activities and a lot of subject areas to cover. If you have any questions regarding your child's education, please contact their teacher. Our first progress report will go home with students on November 8, 2010.

Remember, school starts at 8:40 and after that time you are consider late! You need to be here on time every day!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June 2010

As we come to the end of another school year, everyone is busy cleaning up lockers, desks, classrooms and preparing for Graduations and Awards.

Students are reminded that lessons are still being taught to prepare you for the next school year. Come to school prepared to work respectfully and responsibly!

We have had a great year and our students have demonstrated they are preparing for a successful future in whatever educational and career path they take. Good luck to our grade 8 students who are moving into high school. Take with you your self confidence, your respectful attitude and your good mind.

All report cards will be handed out on Tuesday, June 29.

Our last day of school is Wednesday, June 30.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

May 2010

The month of May will be a very busy time for both staff and students. Looking over the list of activities happening from now until the end of June really speaks to the volume of academic and social involvement that we offer at JCH.

On Friday, May 7, Mr. Sowden has invited the Ontario College of Teachers to make a presentation to our grade 8 students about careers in education. Hopefully this presentation will increase the knowledge and interest levels of students in the field of teaching.

Students are really looking forward to Track and Field on May 11. All Grade 8 students who are currently taking Physical Education will be evaluated on their participation in a minimum of 3 events for Track and Field. Grade 7 students will be evaluated on writing a journal entry regarding their choice of 3 events, describing the each event, winners of the event and their individual results for the events. That means that attendance is important for all students. We are all hoping for a great weather day for this event!

In classes, teachers will be collecting and evaluating student assignments, administering unit tests/exams and introducing culminating activities as we move closer to year end. There is still time to raise those grades in any subject!

On Thursday, we had our Awards Assembly for our students who have perfect and/or excellent attendance, Club 80, sports teams, science fair and oral communications participates. Congratulations to all students who received a certificate. Certificates will be put in student portfolio binders. Thanks to Mrs. M. Hill for collecting information and organizing the ceremony.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 2010

April has been busy for both students and staff. Staff have been working on our School Success Plans, attending EQAO Workshops, preparing for our Recognition Assembly, coaching our Badminton team (Nya:weh to Mr. Forster and Mr. Montour), meeting with secondary schools and moving methodically through the curriculum. Culture and Language students are researching information for their Haudenosaunee Cultural Fair Projects, completing rotary assignments and working hard to understand and complete math and language arts activities. There is lots to do as we approach May and June. Everyone is working diligently to complete assigned tasks and activities.

Our Graduation Committee (Home & School)are in the planning stage for grade 8 graduation. The hall is booked, the food sound yummy, the gift choice has been made and the decorations are being planned. Call the office to see when the next Grad Meeting is, especially if you have a child graduating this year and you would like to help out! 519-445-2256

March 2010

Students enjoy an exciting and interactive morning at the Health Career Fair at the Community Hall on March 2.
As usual, our grade 8 students look fantastic for their grad pictures!
Thanks to all students who participated in our School Skate Fundraiser. Everyone had a great time on the ice. Mr. Montour, Mrs. Springle and our coop student Quinn joined students on the ice.
Report cards went home on Friday, March 26. Let us know if you did not see your child's report card or if you have any questions about your child progress.
J. C. Hill's Science Fair was held on March 30. There were a lot of interesting projects. Some of the best projects will go onto the District Science Fair that is held at Emily C. General School on Tuesday, April 27th.
Mel Jonathon is offering an After School Program for grade 7 & 8 boys the month of April. See her to join.
On Wednesday, March 31, we celebrated Aboriginal Languages Day with many language oriented activities for staff and students.

February 2010

February was a busy month with J. C. Hill hosting the Intermediate Basketball Tournament. Students were also just completing their Oral Communications speeches and names were being entered for the District Oral Communications at ILTO. Congratulations to all participants! We hosted a Valentines Dance and some of our student actually danced! This month we also celebrated Family Day with our families. Schools closed the week of February 22 for Midwinter Ceremonies. There was a lot of learning to pack into those 3 valuable weeks at school!

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

January 2010

Get ready for a busy 2010 school year!

Homework Support is offered every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings at Six Nations Polytech in the computer lab from 6 pm - 8:45 pm. Tutors are available for all subject areas from grades 5-12. We have secondary tutors that will focus on secondary math and sciences. Computers, research, projects, math, science, geography, history, music, arts, science fair projects, Haudenosaunee Cultural Fair Projects; you need help; we are here to help you!

Maybe you just need a quiet spot to work! Come to Homework Support! We also have equipment, paper and calculators you can use!