Thursday, January 10, 2008

Wampum Belts

We are beginning a new unit on Wampum Belts. Students will be working independently, in pairs, small group and as a whole class to read, record, research and draw wampum belts. Each Day 6 & Day 1, we will be in the computer lab so that students can complete research as necessary.

Periodically during this unit, students will also be reviewing Cayuga numbers so that all students can recite and spell the numbers from 1 - 100 in Cayuga.

Congratulations to students in grades 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 for learning and reciting Ganohonyohk during December. The 7-3 students will be reciting Ganohonyohk during our opening each morning.

Mr. Johnson's students have had the opportunity to learn the Thanksgiving Address in either Mohawk or Cayuga. Nya:weh to Mr. M. Montour for working with some students who learning the Mohawk version.