Tuesday, November 02, 2010

November 2010

What to watch for!!!

The weather certainly has changed fast. Please be sure to bring a jacket or sweatshirt with you to school for outdoor activities. A lot of students are also bringing hats, gloves and scarves!
November is here and so is our Toy Bingo! We always need volunteers, so if you can help, call the school.

Interesting learning is happening in all of our classrooms! Ask you child what they did today! In our front foyer are some interesting "cells" that were created by our students for Science class. 81 students are producing primary picture books! Lip sync routines are being produced by Arts students. Did you know that the crustal thickness for most continents is 45-50 km thick?? For the past few weeks, classes have been working with Remembrance Day Activities to prepare them for our visit from our veterans on Friday, November 5.

Other great learning events:

Grade 8 students will visit the high school of their choice on Wednesday, November 8

All grade 7 students will attend GRPSEO Information Day on Wednesday, November 3

Remembrance Day Service in the gym on Friday, November 5 at 9:30 am

Health Career Fair for all grade 7 & 8 students on Wednesday, November 10

PALS grade 7-every Monday; grade 8-every Friday

November 13 - JCH TOY BINGO

November 17 - Intermediate Volleyball at ILTO

November 19 - PD Day - no school for students